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Home » Brigadier Khalid Mahmood Abbasi, (retd)


Khalid Mahmood Abbasi, (retd)

Brigadier Khalid Mahmood Abbasi was commissioned in 15 Sind Regiment in 1988. The officer commanded his parent battalion in North Waziristan Agency and the Democratic Republic of Congo, from 2007-2009. He served on different command and staff appointments including platoon commander PMA, instructor at School of Infantry and Tactics Quetta, grade-1 staff officer in JSHQ and director in Infantry Directorate GHQ. He served twice under the banner of the United Nations, as an observer in Kuwait and Congo.


  1. Centre for Army Leadership & Management (CALM)
  2. Military culture and customs of services
  3. Outreach – Military History bodies
  4. Veterans affair
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